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North Head Sanctuary Master Plan finalised

The North Head Sanctuary Master Plan was finalised following careful consideration of the feedback received from the public consultation, alongside the feedback from individual meetings, stakeholder group meetings and advisory groups. The plan was endorsed by the Members of the Trust at their 14 February 2024 meeting.

Given the broad community support for the draft master plan, no substantive changes were made to final document; however, some minor editing and clarifications were made, as well as including a number of specific comments made by submitters.

The Harbour Trust is working to develop the detailed staging of the proposals within the master plan, as well as to secure the funding required to complete the vision for North Head Sanctuary. Further community consultation will be undertaken as required on major components as the master plan is implemented. Any proposals that have the potential to pose a significant impact on the environmental or heritage values of the place may be referred to the Commonwealth Minister for the Environment for consideration under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.

The North Head Sanctuary Master Plan has been published on the Harbour Trust website and can be viewed here:


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Learn more about North Head Sanctuary in Manly.